When you say UFO people always expect it to be a phenomena which will occur or be sighted in United states and other western countries but there are so many cases in india which are authentic and rarely make it to the lime light of media and even if it makes still go unheard after a while... is it due to people are ignorant of these kind of phenomenon or lack of interest? what ever it is below is the video which was taken in warangal using the cell phone while taking videos of fireworks during this diwali festival, you can clearly see the blueish disk like lights zooming around the fireworks clearly caught on the tape.
It is said the the school teacher who took videos of this phenomena has made cd and sent it to various research center in india for further investigation
Guys what do you think i bet it is not CGI because these local people do not have enough talent to pull out such a hoax what ever it is just Penn in your ideas.
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