March 8, 2012

When I was born..!! Happy Women's Day

When I was born..!!
A Great Woman was there To hold me.. My Mother..!!

When I grew as a child..!!
A Woman was there to Care for Me & play with me.. My Sister.. !!

When I went to School..!!
A Woman was there To help me learn.. My Teacher.. !!

When I became depressed & whenever I lost..!!
A Woman was there to offer a shoulder.. My Friend.. !!

When I needed company, compatability & love..!!
A great woman was there for Me.. My Wife.. !!

When I became tough..!!
A Woman was there To melt me.. My Daughter.. !!

And.. When I Die..
A Woman is there to absorb me In My Motherland.. !!

If you are a Man Value Every Woman.. !!


If you are a Woman.. Be proud to be the One.. ! :)

♥♥♥Dedicated to all women who made this world so beautiful♥♥♥
♥♥♥Without U… there is no meaning to this world♥♥♥

(¯`*•.¸ satish24k ¸.•*´¯)
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Deepa Nagaraj on March 12, 2012 at 1:13 PM said...

Good one each line one can feel the 'bonding'....keep it up...& thankz for sharing my latest article.

Satish Neeralakatti on March 12, 2012 at 1:40 PM said...

Thank u very much madam, itz my pleasure sharing your article. Your articles are alwayz thought provoking. Sorry, I haven't asked your permission for publishing your article. Hope you don't mind :-)

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