December 29, 2012

Most Desirable Women of 2012

Most Desirable Women of 2012
20th place

Our rating opens beauty Claire Danes (Claire Danes), who is considered as one of the most talented actresses in Hollywood

19th place

Next on the list is the new Bond girl is - Naomi Harris (Naomie Harris)

18th place

The next place in the ranking is Olivia Munn (Olivia Munn), who played the role of an economist on TV and was fascinated by the male half of the audience.

17th place

Line higher up the Zooey Deschanel (Zooey Deschanel), which for the year managed to lose five straight lines in this ranking.

16th place

At this point we have Cheryl Cole (Cheryl Cole), who arranged her grand return to the list of the most sought after due to reunification "Girls Around" and the first job in the movie.

15th place

Star of "Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke (Emilia Clarke) is occupied by the 15th place in the ranking.

14th place

14th place in our star of the show "Mad Men" Christina Hendricks (Christina Hendricks), a figure which almost became a standard of beauty.

13th place

Line number 13 managed to take Blake Lively (Blake Lively).

12th place

The former winner of last year's rating of Sofia Vergara (Sofia Vergara) "down" as much as 12 in the ranking of the most coveted. However, this does not prevent it from being the highest paid actress on television.

11th place

Model "Victoria's Secret", which is also called "angels" Swanepoel Candice (Candice Swanepoel) was this year's 11 line.

10th place

Opens ten positive athlete from Australia Dzhenneke Michelle (Michelle Jenekke)

9th place

Another star of the show "Mad Men," Jessica Pare (Jessica Pare) was honored to be listed here.

8th place

8 line model from Australia took Jessica Gomez (Jessica Gomes)

7th place

The main heroine of the vampire saga Kristen Stewart (Kristen Stewart) was able to regain his status as one of the main beauties of the world.

6th place

Another Australian Miranda Kerr (Miranda Kerr) managed to drop a few lines down.

5th place

New Girl "New Spider-Man," Emma Stone (Emma Stone) was able to enter the top five most desirable.

4th place

Line higher ranked Barbadian singer Rihanna (Rihanna).

3rd place

So, the top three in our open model Kate Upton (Kate Upton), which for a year could, being unknown to anybody girl moved up to 3rd place on the list.

2nd place

The American, who grew up in Ukraine, which is already recognized as the "Sexiest Woman of the Year" in another journal, this can be satisfied only for second place. But we still congratulate Mila Kunis (Mila Kunis)

1 place

The most desirable woman of 2012 - Jennifer Lawrence (Jennifer Lawrence). It was so decided by those who voted for this undoubtedly talented and budding actress!

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